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While I’m adding the finishing touches, spellchecking, proofreading and otherwise polishing the rough edges on my first novel, I need to prepare to show it to the world.

Writing and selling books is a business and like any business there is a need for a solid plan. There is always lots of talk about the query letter, that all important piece of paper to put in front of agents that showcases your work. But, suppose that submitted query is successful in snagging an agent, what then?

Be ready to provide them what they ask for.

The world of writing is competitive so it makes sense that publishers want to take on projects they believe will be successful. A great book proposal can speak volumes. Seasoned writers may already know about the book proposal, but it’s my first one and I want to share the experience of putting it together with my readers.

My first task is to develop my book idea starting with a few questions.

Why would anyone read it?
Who is my audience?
What is my competition?
How to get others to read my writing?

Come along with me on my journey.